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How to make for beginners


Only five steps to make bread dough.

You can be finished in less than 10 minutes after mastering.

You can learn to make bread that does not rely on tools. 

It rises naturally depending on the weather and temperature.

Imagine ingredients, free to express!


Use fresh or lastnights vegetables for toppings.  Clean the frig economically.  No waste..

Share placing toppings with children and friends.

Be spontaneous! Sometimes you can think on the fly.

Enjoy creating your own original recipe!

Enjoy baking at home.


Simple fresh basic bread for lunch, breakfast, or anytime.

If you bake too much bread you can freeze it.

This bread is the basic recipe for all my breads.

Learn how to bake bread easily!


Day of class is flexible.


*11:00-14:00pm / 4 people per class

*spoken Japanese(English a little..)

*Learn to bake 2 kinds of bread with lunch salad.

*Please bring an apron if you can.

*Please let me know if you have allergy

*I can try to change ingredients. 

*4500yen per person.




reservation or question 

"No knead​,one bowl, rises
over night,and easy".

So you can do it anytime.

No knead to use your hand.

Yeast does the work over night.

Leaving more time for You.

Enjoy delicious secrets of cooking on the dining table at home.

Learn to bake freash bread,with your own twist.

© 2013 by Gallivantbakery. Rights reserved.

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